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Win 95/98/ME/XP 2000 Updates
WIN 2000 Security Update
(Freeware, 0 .-)
Version: V 1.0
Microsoft warnt vor einer neuen Sicherheitslücke in Windows 2000. Durch diese Schwachstelle könnte ein unerlaubter Zugriff auf ein Netzwerk ermöglicht ...
Grösse: 203 KB
Downloads: 2679
Aktualisiert: 05.03.2001
Windows 2000 Patch: PCMCIA device driver update
(Freeware, 0.-)
Version: Q265296
This update resolves the "Toshiba PC Card Controller May Power 3.3-Volt R2 PC Card at 5 Volts" issue in Windows ...
Grösse: 169 KB
Downloads: 4638
Aktualisiert: 17.02.2002
Windows 2000 Patch: Performance Degredation with ADSI
Version: Q274172
Windows 2000 Patch: Performance Degredation with ADSI für Windows 2000 ...
Grösse: 3,676 Kb
Downloads: 2369
Aktualisiert: 20.01.2001
Windows 2000 Patch: Win2k RIPrep needs to support Win2k SRV, ADS and XP client images
(Freeware, 0.-)
Version: q313069
Microsoft has released a patch that updates Riprep.exe to allow the creation/deployment of Windows XP images across a Windows 2000 ...
Grösse: 137 Kb
Downloads: 2548
Aktualisiert: 14.12.2001
Windows 2000 Patch: Win2k RISETUP needs to support Win2k SRV images
(Freeware, 0.-)
Version: Q308508
Microsoft has released a patch that addresses the following issue; When you add a Windows 2000 Server Remote Installation Service ...
Grösse: 406 Kb
Downloads: 2571
Aktualisiert: 14.12.2001
Windows 2000 Security Patch: Unchecked Buffer in Index Server ISAPI Extension Could Enable Web Serv
(Freeware, 0.-)
Version: q300972
This update resolves the "Unchecked Buffer in Index Server ISAPI Extension Could Enable Web Server Compromise" security vulnerability in Windows ...
Grösse: 241 KB
Downloads: 2637
Aktualisiert: 20.06.2001
Windows 2000 Security Patch: DoS Vulnerability Report in SMB Implementation
(Freeware, 0.-)
Version: Q326830
This update resolves the "Unchecked Buffer in Network Share Provider can lead to Denial of Service" vulnerability in Windows 2000. ...
Grösse: 218 KB
Downloads: 7283
Aktualisiert: 25.08.2002
Windows 2000 Security Patch: LDAP over SSL Function Enables Password Change Vulnerability
(Freeware, 0.-)
Version: Q299687
This patch eliminates a vulnerability affecting Windows 2000 servers that provide LDAP services over SSL. A function that allows user ...
Grösse: 2,731 Kb
Downloads: 2529
Aktualisiert: 27.06.2001
Windows 2000 Security Patch: Local Privilege Elevation through Debugging Vulnerability
(Freeware,  0 .-)
Version: Q320206
This update resolves the "Authentication Flaw in Windows Debugger can Lead to Elevated Privileges" security vulnerability in Windows 2000. This ...
Grösse: 192.4 KB
Downloads: 6789
Aktualisiert: 23.05.2002
Windows 2000 Security Patch: Logon Malformation causes Telnet Access Violation
(Freeware, 0.-)
Version: Q299553
This update includes two "Terminal Services Licensing Enhancements" for Windows 2000, and is discussed in Microsoft Knowledge Base (KB) Article ...
Grösse: 603 KB
Downloads: 2351
Aktualisiert: 20.06.2001
Windows 2000 Security Patch: No Mapping of Virtual COM ports to Infared Ports in Windows 2000
(Freeware, 0.-)
Version: q252795
This update resolves the "Malformed Data Frame Sent to a Windows 2000 Computer Through an Infrared Port Causes Stop Error" ...
Grösse: 297 KB
Downloads: 4159
Aktualisiert: 28.12.2001
Windows 2000 Security Patch: Opening Group Policy Files for Exclusive Read Access Blocks Policy Appl
(Freeware, 0.-)
Version: Q318593
This update resolves the "Opening Group Policy Files for Exclusive Read Access Blocks Policy Application" issue affecting Windows 2000 domain ...
Grösse: 4.1 MB
Downloads: 3966
Aktualisiert: 07.04.2002
Windows 2000 Security Patch: Standalone SMTP Server Authenticates Unknown Users Vulnerability
(Freeware, 0.-)
Version: Q302755
This update addresses the "Windows 2000 SMTP Mail Relaying" security vulnerability in the Windows 2000 Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) ...
Grösse: 345 KB
Downloads: 2569
Aktualisiert: 08.07.2001
Windows 2000 Security Tool: New Cipher.exe Tool
(Freeware, 0.-)
Version: Q298009
Microsoft has developed an improved version of the Cipher.exe tool, offering an important new option – the ability to permanently ...
Grösse: 473 Kb
Downloads: 2405
Aktualisiert: 20.06.2001
Windows 2000 Service Pack 3 Network Install
(Freeware, 0.-)
Version: SP3
Windows 2000 Service Pack 3 (SP3) enthält die neusten Updates für die Produktfamilie der Windows 2000-Betriebssysteme. Diese Updates bestehen aus ...
Grösse: 124.68 MB
Downloads: 12847
Aktualisiert: 02.08.2002
Windows 2000 Servicepack 2
(Freeware, 0.-)
Version: 2.0
Service Pack 2 für Windows 2000 ...
Grösse: 101 MB
Downloads: 2533
Aktualisiert: 19.05.2001
Windows XP Patch: CD Burning Update
(Freeware, 0.-)
Version: Q320174
This update addresses several CD Burning issues that are discussed in Microsoft Knowledge Base (KB) Article Q309691 and Q320174. Download ...
Grösse: 318 KB
Downloads: 3989
Aktualisiert: 07.04.2002
Windows XP Patch: Devices May Not Power Up Properly When Resuming From Standby
(Freeware, 0.-)
Version: Q311542
This update resolves an issue with PCI devices with power management support. When the PCI device changes power states, Windows ...
Grösse: 213 Kb
Downloads: 6726
Aktualisiert: 17.02.2002
Windows XP Patch: Direct3D-Based Screen Saver Hibernate/Standby Error
(Freeware,  0 .-)
Version: Q306676
If the 3D Flowerbox, 3D Flying Objects, 3D Pipes, 3D Text, or another Direct3D-based screen saver is running in Windows ...
Grösse: 3,185 Kb
Downloads: 10408
Aktualisiert: 20.04.2002
Windows XP Patch: Dynamic Update 1.2
(Freeware, 0.-)
Version: Q314582
This update provides a solution for corporate administrators who download Dynamic Update, and is discussed in Microsoft Knowledge Base (KB) ...
Grösse: 859 KB
Downloads: 4036
Aktualisiert: 17.02.2002
Windows XP Patch: GDI+ Graphics Rendering Issues
(Freeware,  0 .-)
Version: Q318966
This update addresses several graphics rendering issues with GDI+ in Windows XP, and is discussed in Microsoft Knowledge Base (KB) ...
Grösse: 1,891 Kb
Downloads: 7689
Aktualisiert: 20.04.2002
Windows XP Patch: NTFS chkdsk.exe Update
(Freeware, 0.-)
Version: Q315403
This update resolves an issue that prevents chkdsk.exe from running at system boot. The issue can occur on systems with ...
Grösse: 492 Kb
Downloads: 4398
Aktualisiert: 20.02.2002
Windows® XP Home Edition-Hilfsprogramm: Setupdisketten für Floppyboot-Installationen.
(Freeware, 0.-)
Version: 310994
Die Windows XP-Startdiskette ermöglicht die Neuinstallation des Betriebssystems auf Computern ohne startfähiges CD-ROM-Laufwerk. Durch die Windows XP-Startdiskette werden automatisch die ...
Grösse: 4,405 Kb
Downloads: 2640
Aktualisiert: 25.10.2001
Windows® XP Professional-Hilfsprogramm: Setupdisketten für Floppyboot-Installationen.
(Freeware, 0.-)
Version: 310994
Die Windows XP-Startdiskette ermöglicht die Neuinstallation des Betriebssystems auf Computern ohne startfähiges CD-ROM-Laufwerk. Durch die Windows XP-Startdiskette werden automatisch die ...
Grösse: 4,408 Kb
Downloads: 2707
Aktualisiert: 25.10.2001

Software-Tipp Software-Tipp

SuperSpamKiller Pro

Entfernen Sie lästige Spam-Mails (Werbemails) aus Ihren POP3-, IMAP-, AOL- und Hotmail-Postfächern bevor Sie Ihre E-Mails aus dem Postfach abholen. Die Software prüft in regelmäßigen Abständen Ihre Postfächer, weist Sie auf den Eingang neuer Nachrich

Mehr Infos... Webseite


Neue Downloads
25.08.2002 Windows 2000 Se...
02.08.2002 Windows 2000 Se...
22.06.2002 ISA Server 2000...
23.05.2002 Windows 2000 Se...
22.05.2002 Exchange 5.5 CD...

Top Downloads
Windows 2000 Service Pack... 12847
Windows XP Patch: Direct3... 10408
Windows XP Patch: GDI+ Gr... 7689
Windows 2000 Security Pat... 7283
ISA Server 2000 Security ... 7251
Exchange 2000 CDO Patch 5... 6871
ISA Server 2000 Hotfix fo... 6800
Exchange 5.5 CDO Patch 26... 6792
Windows 2000 Security Pat... 6789
Windows XP Patch: Devices... 6726

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Windows 95, Windows 98,Windows ME, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows NT, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 und Windows 10 sind registrierte Warenzeichen von Microsoft.
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