Version 4.0 (Shareware, 999.95,- U) |
Packet Sniffer SDK is a library set for packet capture and network analysis for all Win32 platforms.
The main features of the Packet Sniffer SDK library are:
Any pre-installed packet drivers are not required;
Support of multi-Gigabit networks;
Support of all modern development environments for Windows;
All PSSDK editions (VCL, DLL, and static libraries) are compiled from the same well-optimized C code. Therefore you may be assured that any Packet Sniffer SDK improvement is implemented in all its editions;
Support of multiprocessor (SMP) systems;
Support of packet filtering by BPF (BSD Packet Filter, user-settable packet filters) on the internal packet driver level;
Supports of new FastBPF technology (Just-In-Time BPF filters compilation, works approximately 6 times faster than "classic" BPF filtering);
Support of packet generation and sending functions;
Support of local TCP/UDP traffic capturing with binding it to processes (including loopback traffic);
Assembling of TCP sessions in data streams;
High-performance traffic delivering to application and buffering it using queue Packets Pool;
Support of BPF assembler for BPF filters programming;
Support of disassembling BPF filters to BPF assembler source texts;
All editions of Packet Sniffer SDK components/libraries contain internal packet driver, which is dynamically loaded/unloaded when the application, using Packet Sniffer SDK, is launched/closed, that allows to develop absolutely portable applications. |
©2025 Mirko Böer
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