Version 1.4 (Freeware) |
PaRaMeter stands for "Page Rank Meter" - the meter of Google PageRank which is one of the web ranking important parameters. Google PageRank shows how important your site is and is based on the number and quality of backlinks to your site. Obviously, you want to know how important your website is from the Google's point of view. You install Google Toolbar and open your site in a browser to see its PageRank.
But what if you have a number of websites to check? Here comes The PaRaMeter. With it, you can easily check the PageRank of dozens websites with just one click, without openning each one in your browser explicitly. The PaRaMeter works fast, does not require Google Toolbar to be installed on your computer and is capable to export the PageRank info into CSV report.
The PaRaMeter is free and very easy to use. |
Mit INetCollect können 1000te Seiten in kürzester Zeit nach E-Mail-Adressen, Bildern, Musikdateien usw. durchsucht werden.
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