Version 7.10 (Demo, 199,- US) |
The ASP .NET Barcode Web Server Control is a new drag-and-drop component that easily adds dynamic barcoding capability to Microsoft .NET Web Applications. It is a server-side component that creates JPEG images, therefore all processing takes place on the server and it is compatible with all web browsers. On-line barcodes may be easily included in .NET Web Applications by dragging the control on a form in the same way a text box control is used. Several barcode types are supported in a single control including Code 3 of 9, Code 128, UCC/EAN-128, GS1-128, Interleaved 2 of 5, UPC, EAN, Codabar, USPS Intelligent Mail, Planet, Postnet PDF417, Aztec, Data Matrix and MaxiCode. |
BackUp Maker
BackUp Maker ermöglicht das automatische Sichern von Dateien und Verzeichnissen in frei definierbaren Zeit-Intervallen. Sichern Sie Ihre wichtigsten Dateien nun in Realtime (PKZip-kompatibel) - optional direkt auf CD/DVD und FTP-Server!
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