Version 3.55 (Shareware, 29.95,- US) |
You can quickly choose a font among all installed fonts because now you do not have to click each font file – you see all font types at once in one list.
You can select the font for your current work making the font types being displayed as close to it as possible. Just select the size, style and color of the font you need.
It is really convenient to see the text you need, for example, the header of a site or the text of a logo written with all font types instead of the standard text “ABC 123”.
Fonts containing images are no longer a mystery for you. You can view any character in a font in the full-screen mode.
You can find out what fonts contain the Unicode subrange you need.
You can take a close look at all characters in a font without looking at empty items.
You can select any character and insert it in your document.
Who designed the font, which version is it, what is the URL of the author's site, how is the font distributed? You can learn this and a lot of other useful information about each font.
Any folder with fonts that are not installed is no longer covered with a veil of mystery. You can view any fonts that are not installed.
While viewing fonts that are not installed, you can install or uninstall any of them.
Print out samples of fonts that are not installed and always know what fonts you have in store.
Free your computer from fonts that you do not use, uninstall them.
You can uninstall fonts without having to worry that you may uninstall some fonts that come together with Windows. The program will not allow you to uninstall them.
You can uninstall all fonts that do not come together with Windows in one click!
You can back up the files of the selected fonts or send them by e-mail. |
Abruf von nicht zustellbaren E-Mails (Hard Bounces) z.B. E-Mails vom Newsletter-Versand
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